1. Are your services/Osteopathy covered under insurance?

I accept all major medical insurances and insurance typically covers some of your cost, depending on your plan.

2. Do I need a referral to see you?

Yes.  Please have your primary care physician place a referral for you.

3. Can I see you as my primary care physician?

While I am board certified in Family Medicine, this is a specialty clinic focusing on Osteopathic treatment.  I am more than happy to discuss any medical question you may have to the best of my ability but will leave medical decision making up to your primary care provider and other medical specialists.

4. How many treatments will I need for my condition?

That depends on several factors, including the length and severity of your problem, your overall health and ability to heal and other environmental factors such as working conditions, etc. I do not have a set number of treatments I give patients. Each time you are seen, your progress is reassessed and a plan will be developed at that office visit.

5. Does treatment hurt?

Treatments in of themselves generally do not cause pain. Most of the time you will not experience any discomfort after treatment. In some instances, you may have a slight increase in discomfort for one to two days as I have altered your body mechanics. This will go away after your body has adjusted to the treatment.

6. What other things do you generally recommend to help with my condition?

I find tai-chi, yoga, and targeted exercises as prescribed by myself to be helpful for physical pain. I can also work with you in terms of nutrition, lifestyle habits, sleeping problems, etc., that all influence health and well-being.

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Contact Us

700 Mount Hope Avenue, Suite 600
Bangor, Maine 04401

Phone: 207-922-2464
Fax: 207-922-2463
